Welcome to ASG
Take a quick tour of the ASGARD Suite of systems and how ASG can help you to take control of your program.
How It Works

Connect your Worlds​
One system controls them all. Access and manage multiple systems data and workflows with a single-pane-of-glass solution ASGARD

Control your Program​
Your Claims. Your Rules. Enforceable service rules for improved claims and vendor compliance. System metrics provide views to meaningful data for analysis and alerts.

Freedom of Choice​
Ease of access to all your services across all your regions.
ASG Marketplace delivers unrestricted freedom to choose and the ability to change without fear of costly transfers, delays or burdens.

How ASGARD Helps

Unprecedented transparency and real-time visibility enables proactive decision making and quick course adjustments, not just at claim and or vendor review time.

Your system and your data means your claims move with your program. Consolidation of any existing legacy data and ability to eliminate future legacy or tail claims.

A.S.G.A.R.D. improves efficiencies, reduces administrative costs, and allows your professionals to focus more proactively on claims outcomes. Vendor optimization reduces vendor spend.
Taking Control
Proactive Management​
ASG's solution enables you to view meaningful data and performance metrics, in advance of issues truly mitigating risks.
Macro or Micro Visibility​
View your entire program and infrastructure together. Drill down by region, branch, client or unit. ASG provides a unified experience.
Unbiased Connectivity​
ASG's platform connects with virtually any existing system. Claims, Vendors, HRMS, Policy or Project Management. ASG connects once so you don't have to.
Insight & In Touch.
Deep data search and reporting functionality. Claims data transparency, costs and program performance.
Native Cloud Technology
Leverage the power of a Cloud Born System. Battle tested security, flexibility, powerful, and cost effective.
Employer Driven
Control your programs from vendor and claims management as only ASG can provide. Take full advantage of your data.
Who We Work With
High Deductible or Self-Insured Employers. From Construction to Healthcare, Manufacturing to Retail. We offer customized scalable solutions to improve your program.
Realize administrative cost savings, optimize vendor performance, automate workflows, consolidate processes and communications.
Improve claim oversights by gaining claim level insight to better serve your clients. Drive improved results and savings.
Reduce economic loss, optimize vendor performance and use, automate workflows, improve client reporting metrics. Integrate with your claims system or operate as stand alone.